Strona archiwalna. ACI Polska administrowało stawką WIBOR do dnia 29 czerwca 2017. Obecnym administratorem stawki jest GPW Benchmark SA.

The Management Board of the Polish Financial Market Association ACI Polska reminds that WIBID/WIBOR reference rates are due to restrictions regarding their further real-time (live) publishing.

For the sake of the highest quality of WIBID and WIBOR reference rates and in order to provide highest possible level of fixing and to ensure its compliance with oncoming Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on indices used as benchmarks in financial instruments and financial contracts, the Management Board of the Polish Financial Market Association ACI Polska decided to introduce fees for live access to WIBID and WIBOR rates.

Above changes will take effect from 1st of February 2015.

Starting from the 1St of February 2015 ACI Polska shall introduce fees from every end-userwith a live access to WIBID and WIBOR rates. The fee shall be a lump sum rate based on the quantity of devices, computers, terminals, screens (front–office as well back-office) or any data carriers with live access to WIBID and WIBOR rates (fee for the screen).

The distributors will be charged with mentioned live access fees. In order to receive live WIBID and WIBOR reference rates after 1ST of February 2015 please contact one of authorized vendors.

Current authorized vendors of WIBID and WIBOR reference rates are :


-Thomson Reuters

-SIX Financial Information Ltd

We welcome other vendors to sign an agreement with ACI regarding live data distribution. Getting live WIBID and WIBOR reference rate from the calculation agent (currently Thomson Reuters) may involve additional service charges. Present redistribution license fee shall be maintained at current level. Current license fee for ACI WIBOR redistribution license is 250 EUR/month net. Additionally, each vendor will pay to ACI POLSKA (in accordance with their distribution agreement) the agreed fee on a monthly basis, based on customers' end user numbers.

We would also like to advise that starting from the 1st of February 2015 the time of delayed publication of WIBID and WIBOR reference rates shall bepostponed from 4 hours to 12 hours.

WIBID and WIBOR rates received live by the distributors, shall not be distributed through open websites but only sent to authorized users without permission for further distribution. WIBID and WIBOR rates received live by end-users shall not be distributed further. After 12 hours from fixing redistribution of WIBID and WIBOR rates (so called delayed) is not subject to any charges towards ACI Polska and is not subject to redistribution license. The rates may be published on public www sites with at least 12 hour delay.

Additional information for fixing Participants

The Polish Financial Market Association ACI Polska is not liable for vendors pricing policy. Nevertheless the Management Board of the Polish Financial Market Association ACI Polska have recommended vendors not to charge fees for Participants of WIBID and WIBOR reference rates fixing. The purpose of this is to compensate Participants workload and other costs regarding appropriate adaptation of their business in order to meet the criteria of the Rules for Fixing WIBID and WIBOR reference rates and in future to meet additional requirements in accordance to oncoming Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on indices used as benchmarks in financial instruments and financial contracts. Fixing Participants be advised to contact appropriate vendor in order to determine the details of setting the fees for access to WIBID and WIBOR reference rates for fixing Participants.

Warsaw, December 2014
